Remote Employees Experiencing Burnout: Adequate Tools are the Solution – ReadWrite - Freelance Bargain


Monday 25 July 2022

Remote Employees Experiencing Burnout: Adequate Tools are the Solution – ReadWrite

After almost two years since the onset of the global pandemic, companies and their human resource managers are faced with an even more critical issue — remote employees are overworked and experiencing major burnout.

Ensuring Employee Safety and Job Security With Adequate Tools

The last few years have seen many companies restructure their business practices as an ongoing effort to ensure employee safety and job security. The rapid transition from in-office to online work has not only been one of the critical factors that have pushed some remote workers to the brink of burnout.

In addition, psychological stress and anxiety such as financial security, job performance, and overall well-being have also been decreasing since the pandemic.

High Levels of Exhaustion Among Remote Employees

TinyPulse survey published in 2021 revealed that around 85.65% of remote employees had experienced high levels of exhaustion, 24% higher than employees who work in-office or on a hybrid basis.

Causes of work-related burnout such as lack of control, unclear job expectations, overperformance, dysfunctional workplace dynamics, and lower levels of social support have been found as some of the significant factors that increase employee burnout, according to a study by Mayo Clinic.

Are Your Remote Employees Now Permanent? Do They Know That

Yet, while it looks as if remote working and work-from-anywhere job roles are now becoming more permanent, employers and HR managers are urged to implement new work protocols or programs that can help mitigate burnout.

Collaborate Better Tools for Your Remote Working Team

We’ve looked at some of the best tools, resources, and platforms remote teams can use to collaborate and build better remote working structures and manage their projects.


With the onboarding of new team members and employees now scattered all over, Donut is a virtual platform that makes it easy for remote employees to bond and communicate ideas. It houses a variety of features, including virtual meetups, daily meetings, mentorship programs, and job-shadowing sessions.

Donut creates a more informal setting for both employees and their employers, allowing better collaboration on projects, and establishing an environment where employees can interact with their remote team members without having to do so over email or Zoom calls.

World Time Buddy

With more online working and companies now having a larger pool of talent to choose from, managing different time zones has become a growing problem for both employers and their teams.

When it comes to cross-time zone collaborations, scheduling meetings, and different workday hours, keeping track of various time zones can impact overall employee productivity. With Time Zone Buddy, employees will have access to time conversion and scheduling features and set up an events page for meetings, and important dates.

The platform can help mitigate cross-time zone communication problems and decrease the need for employees to work unusual hours.

A lack of organization and effective structure contributes to employee burnout. For example, a Deloitte survey of 1,000 full-time employees found that 21% of those surveyed felt that their company does not have adequate or effective programs in place to mitigate burnout.

With the app, employees will have access to better structure, and organizing capabilities, as the platform looks to integrate both personal and professional life. Better customization allows employees to share available times, booking slots, and works for large teams or individuals.

Additionally, is not just another type of digital calendar but an essential part of every remote team to have better control over their schedules, appointments and ensure productive collaborations.


With employees spending more time being stationary at home or commuting to the office less often, evidence supports the notion that physical exercise can affect employees’ well-being and overall mental state.

The psychological impact of exercise gives employees better concentration and focus, helping improve productivity and lessen the effect of procrastination or their demise into burnout.

Before the pandemic, Corporate assisted large-scale companies in improving employee well-being and overall fitness. With a pandemic in full swing, the company now introduced an online platform that can help get employees more involved in physical training and exercise, virtually and from the comfort of their homes.

It might not be something most employees consider essential, but physical activity and exercise can help workers be more focused and connected with their employers.


Yerbo is one of the few platforms designed to help indicate any worrying signs that may lead to employee burnout. For example, in April 2020, research by Gallup found that American employees’ life evaluation decreased to 46.5%, a 15% drop from pre-pandemic levels.

This is where Yerbo makes it easier to help facilitate employers and HR managers to see whether or not employees may be approaching severe levels of job burnout.

By collecting data via 2-minute weekly surveys, the platform helps compile the data into mental well-being results, giving better managers and employers better insight into what may be causing high burnout or what employees consider a risk factor.

Additionally, employers can use the data to track employee evaluation and monitor the improvement process. Through platforms such as Yerbo, employers can better impact their employees’ well-being and help improve mental health during ongoing periods of high uncertainty.


In May 2021, the American Psychiatric Association found that around one in five employees has not been offered assistance or additional mental health services by their employers since the start of the pandemic.

The creators of Sanvello are now looking to help combat the rising levels of anxiety and stress, not just for remote employees but also for those who are currently struggling to cope with sudden changes in the work environment or having to return to the office.

The app is now in use by more than 40 million Americans and has aided in creating pathways that can help improve their mental stability and lower high levels of stress or anxiety.

Sanvello was designed for everyone who needs it, not just overworked and burnt-out employees. It guides you through new strategies and online coping tools that track your process.

Final Thoughts

Employers and HR managers should start to consider different ways in which they can make a meaningful and impact-driven difference in the overall well-being of remote employees.

As the work environment is set to become everso more digital, employers are faced with looking for and implementing viable solutions that can seek to find solutions to mitigate employee burnout.

Creative indicators such as those above are some of the primary ways employees can destress, feel less anxious, and help create a better structure. Remote working shouldn’t decrease life valuation and intervene and tip the scales of work-life balance — it can motivate and capture the importance of working as a team from afar in an ever-growing digital world.

Published First on Calendar. Read Here.

Image Credit: Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich’ Pexels; Thank you!



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