Adding a back button – HTML & CSS – SitePoint - Freelance Bargain


Monday 14 November 2022

Adding a back button – HTML & CSS – SitePoint

If I wanted to add one on page 2 or 3, how would that work in the code?

As an example.

How would that functionality be added?

I would do it the same way I did the exit buttons in my demo. You can use the same buttons but just add a different destination. Easy!!

That’s why my version is easier to change as you can have as many containers as you need and just link to them accordingly.

In your version you would need to set up two new back buttons and then call the same code as you did for exit but in reverse.

Something like this for the first one:

function backClickHandler() { const thewrap = document.querySelector(".container2"); hide(thewrap); const cover = document.querySelector(".container1"); show(cover); } const backButton = document.querySelector(".back"); backButton.addEventListener("click", backClickHandler); 

The html would be this but you’d need to style and position it as you wanted.

<button class="back" type="button" aria-label="Back"></button>

Then you’d need to do all the same (css,js and html) for back button2 but change the container references .

In my example no js was changed at all.

Relevant code from your demo.

(function showContainer2() { function hide(el) { el.classList.add("hide"); } function show(el) { el.classList.remove("hide"); } function exitClickHandler() { const thewrap = document.querySelector(".container2"); show(thewrap); const cover = document.querySelector(".container1"); hide(cover); } const cover = document.querySelector(".exit"); cover.addEventListener("click", exitClickHandler); function backClickHandler() { const thewrap = document.querySelector(".container2"); hide(thewrap); const cover = document.querySelector(".container1"); show(cover); } const backButton = document.querySelector(".back"); backButton.addEventListener("click", backClickHandler); function back2ClickHandler() { const thewrap = document.querySelector(".container3"); hide(thewrap); const cover = document.querySelector(".container2"); show(cover); } const backButton2 = document.querySelector(".back2"); backButton2.addEventListener("click", back2ClickHandler); })();
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.back,.back2{ position:absolute; z-index:2; top:-40px; left:50%; transform:translateX(-50%)

I would want the exit/back buttons to both remove players if they are run, currently they do that now.

The back button functionality hasn’t been added to the blue exit button yet.

The removePlayers are working now, meaning, after clicking a video then clicking the red exit/next button or blue exit/previous button, videos are removed if they are run.

How do I attach the back button to the blue exit button without breaking that?

 function removePlayerHandler(evt) { const el =; let container = el.closest(".container"); let wrappers; if (container) { //if multiple players wrappers = container.querySelectorAll(".remove .wrap"); } else { //if single player container = el.closest(".remove"); wrappers = container.querySelectorAll(".wrap"); } wrappers.forEach(function(wrapper) { if (wrapper.player) { removePlayer(wrapper); } }); }

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